An "RSS" link indicates a link to an RSS feed of the latest torrents from a site, all were checked before addition to ensure they work with RSSFeedScanner.

Moreover, qBittorrent is free from bloatware.
#Is vuze bittorrent legit software#
"Creative Commons" is an effective search term for finding legal torrents. While open source software isnt automatically safer, the ability to review the code does make it more trustworthy. If you cannot find what you want on the following strictly legal torrent sites, check out the general-purpose torrent sites as they carry a mixture of torrents. Vuze is my 1st and last torrent client, in starting it was known as Azureus, I am using it from windows XP SP2 era, I have never switched to others, because there is no need to switch to others, since your all needs fulfilled by vuze, But at present, i have to switch to other client, due to my favorite torrent site has been switched to https. Websites that list legal torrents for download That being said, you should always be careful when downloading torrents, and even visiting. However, you can easily decline those offers, and the program itself is safe.

Users who mention illegal torrents or websites are kicked out of IRC channels. The BitTorrent client is safe, although some antivirus software will flag the download file because it includes Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUA) during the installation.